It’s Okay If You’re Sad Just Tell to Somebody You Trust

Riwanto Sitinjak
2 min readMar 20, 2022


Photo by cottonbro with Pexels

Hello there?

Why you open this article?

Are you really need a hug? or are you feeling sad about something that you can’t tell to anybody?

It’s okay if you feel sad, there’s no need to feel ashamed about it. Sometimes people judge, but that’s people.

Everyone has a phase in life, sometimes that feeling of sadness comes suddenly.

Not everyone has to understand what you are going through, but you must know that there are people who are always waiting for your story, always listening to your story even when they are busy.

I really like when people listening to my story or my problem, i felt like my feeling have a listener. I’m so rarely to tell everyone about my story, but when someone is very comfortable with my story I will be very enthusiastic to tell my story.

I feel when we pour something out to someone, it’s as if we are sharing it in two, and the burden will feel lighter.

For those of you who are sad, it’s okay to be sad. But stick to the little things. Everything has a time, there are times when you are sad and there are times when you are happy, that’s the phase of life.

Everything will pass, make room for yourself and those around you, tell your burdens, and listen to the burdens of those closest to you.

Thanks for sticking around for today and days to come :)



Riwanto Sitinjak

Freelance Writer, Contributor Writer, Blogger. Blog: Write about opinion and sometimes write about self-improvement